Faculty in the News

Faculty News


Professor Claire Hill was a panelist on WCCO's Business by Carlson radio news segment, Trump Stakes:  Business and Investment Strategies for 2017 and Beyond. Together with the other panelists, Professor Hill…


Professor Claire Hill was quoted in an article in the American Banker discussing the reputational and other consequences for Wells Fargo stemming from the recent revelations of the millions of "ghost…


Professor Claire Hill was interviewed about banking culture on "The Inquiry," a BBC World Service series. Prof. Hill discussed the findings and conclusions of her book Better Bankers, Better Banks…


Professor Claire Hill and Professor Richard Painter's recent book, "Better Bankers, Better Banks," was discussed in a column by Gretchen Morgenson in the New York Times. The article described their…


Professor Claire Hill gave the inaugural Kohn Occasional Lecture at Temple University Beasley School of Law. She discussed Better Bankers, Better Banks, her book, co-authored with Professor Richard…


Glenn Reynolds wrote a review for USA Today of Better Bankers, Bettter Banks (U Chicago Press 2015) by Professors Claire Hill and Richard Painter. The review discusses the proposal of Hill and…


Professor Claire Hill spoke on compliance at a conference on the application of law in the financial sector. The conference was co-sponsored by the University of Montreal's law school as well as various…


The National Journal, in an article entitled "Make Bankers Pay for their Mistakes," published portions of an interview with Professors Claire Hill and Richard Painter about their new book, Better…

—At the 2015 American Law Institute Annual Meeting, Professor Claire Hill, who is an associate reporter on risk management on a new project on compliance, risk management, governance, and enforcement, together with…
—Professor Claire Hill presented a talk, "What, if Anything, Should the Law do About Short-Termism?" at the Fifth Circuit Judicial Conference in New Orleans. She argued that notwithstanding classical precepts, some…
—Professor Claire Hill has been elected to the American Law Institute (ALI), the leading independent organization in the United States producing scholarly work to clarify, modernize and improve the law. The ALI…
—Professor Claire Hill has been named a Research Associate at the European Research Centre for Economic and Financial Governance, a network organization initiated by researchers from Leiden University, Delft…