Richard W. Painter

S. Walter Richey Professor of Corporate Law

Prof. Richard Painter Quoted by Politico About Congressman’s Possible Conflict of Interest

Professor Richard Painter, S. Walter Richey Professor of Corporate Law, was quoted by Politico about Brendan Neal, son of the former chair of the House Ways and Means Committee Rep. Richard Neal, D-Mass., collecting regular payments from his father’s campaign and receiving business from lobbyists on tax issues. A statement by the congressman's office said that the Rep. Neal was not aware that lobbying firms with tax issues before his committee were employing his son and does not discuss official business with him. Prof. Painter said, “There are limits to what you can do with campaign funds, so you start doing business with the family members. K Street’s always been looking at Ways and Means. I wouldn’t let [a lobbyist] pay my son a lot of money and then they come lobby the committee.”