Amy Monahan

Amy B. Monahan

Distinguished McKnight University Professor
The Melvin C. Steen Professor of Law

Prof. Amy Monahan Quoted in Yahoo News About Campaign Proposals to End Taxing of Tips

Professor Amy Monahan, Distinguished McKnight University Professor, and the Melvin Steen & Corporate Donors Professor, was quoted in Yahoo News about both the Harris and Trump campaigns proposing that workers’ tips not be taxed as income. Many experts view the idea as poor tax policy with one of the biggest problems being its arbitrariness: Why should tipped workers get singled out for special tax treatment to the exclusion of others who do similar work? Prof. Monahan said, “What about the person who has a low-wage job but is not tipped? People that work at grocery stores or who are personal care attendants and assistants are low-wage workers who don’t get tips. So you’re treating people who are in the same economic position differently.”