Prof. Emeritus Herbert Kritzer Quoted in New York Times About Efforts by Uber to Limit Lawyers' Contingency Fees in Nevada
Professor Emeritus Herbert Kritzer was quoted in a New York Times article about efforts by Uber to limit lawyers' contingency fees in Nevada. Uber has been hit by substantial numbers of lawsuits claiming sexual assault by its drivers. Uber has initiated and promoted a proposed referendum that would appear on the ballot in Nevada to contingency fees in tort cases to 20 percent of the recovery net of both lawyers' expenses (filing fees, expert fees, etc.) and subrogation claims by medical insurers, medical providers, and other insurers. The limit on fees would extend to all tort cases not just to cases involving sexual assault. When asked about the likely impact of the law should it get on the ballot and be passed by the voters, Kritzer observed that it "would basically be slamming the door of the courthouse on individuals who were harmed."