Prof. Nadia Anguiano '17 Quoted by Law360 on Sixth Circuit Victory Secured by the Law School's Federal Immigration Litigation Clinic
Professor Nadia Anguiano '17 was quoted in a Law360 article on the victory secured by the Federal Immigration Litigation Clinic in Abdulahad v. Garland on behalf of an Iraqi man who fears torture on account of his Christian faith. Mr. Abdulahad is a devout Chaldean Christian who has called the United States home since arriving as a refugee in 1997. The Sixth Circuit ruled that the Board of Immigration Appeals had made multiple reversible errors in rejecting Mr. Abdulahad's claim that new country conditions evidence demonstrated that it was more likely than not he would be tortured if removed to Iraq. Prof. Anguiano praised the decision, stating that it "affirms that the agency must review these important claims using the correct legal standards and issue reasoned decisions that account for all the evidence presented by vulnerable people seeking protection under the Convention Against Torture."