Richard W. Painter

S. Walter Richey Professor of Corporate Law

Prof. Richard Painter Quoted in Georgia Recorder About Trump’s Request for Immediate Appeal in Fulton County Ruling

Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a joint statement about Donald Trump’s request for an immediate appeal to Fulton County (Ga.) Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee’s ruling that allows District Attorney Fani Willis to continue to prosecute the 2020 election interference case. On March 15, McAfee ruled that there was no conflict of interest despite Willis’ romantic involvement with special prosecutor Nathan Wade. But McAfee said there was a “tremendous lapse in judgment” and ordered that either Wade or Willis should leave the case. Wade subsequently resigned. Professor Painter said, “There were no legal grounds for Willis’ disqualification and none of team Trump’s delay tactics can change the facts or the law surrounding that. It’s time this case moves forward so voters can learn the truth about Trump’s scheme to invalidate millions of Georgians’ votes and steal the 2020 election.”