A Letter from Interim Dean William McGeveran

Dear Alumni and Friends of Minnesota Law:

Warm greetings from Mondale Hall! While I have been a professor at Minnesota Law for 17 years, I began serving as the interim dean this summer. I’ve already gotten to know many of our alumni and friends over the years and truly love this great community. If I haven’t met you yet, I look forward to the opportunity!

With the new school year, many familiar sights return: 1Ls talking excitedly in the subplaza, faculty asking tough questions while standing at the whiteboard, student admissions ambassadors leading tours of prospective applicants through the building, student organization members carrying in stacks of pizzas for events, and community members meeting with their student attorneys in the clinic offices.

Our student body is brimming with talent and energy. Once again, the admissions team has assembled an entering class with broadly diverse backgrounds and sterling credentials—from high undergraduate grades and test scores to impressive extracurriculars and leadership experience. And I am very proud to report that our graduates are well on their way to success in the profession. The Class of 2022 achieved a remarkable 97% first-time passage rate on the Minnesota bar exam. Likewise, 97% of that class secured full-time, long-term legal employment, including judicial clerkships and positions in law firms, government, nonprofit organizations, and corporations.

Minnesota Law is preparing these students to enter the profession ready to make an impact. Our rigorous curriculum pushes them to grapple with complexity and build their communications skills. Our new Racial Justice and Equity Milestone program now gives all students a structured opportunity to learn and develop the intercultural competence they will need as attorneys. And our extensive network of alumni who serve as instructors, mentors, guest speakers, and externship supervisors readies students to face the real-world challenges of legal practice.

None of this could happen without the dedication and teamwork of our exceptional faculty and staff. Nor would it be possible without the unwavering support of our alumni and donors. Your contributions enable us to provide scholarships, recruit top-notch faculty, support our nationally recognized clinical and experiential programs, and continue innovating to meet the needs of 21st-century legal education.

Today, I come to you with a humble request: I ask you to join me in making a meaningful gift that enables Minnesota Law to continue reaching new levels of excellence. Every gift has a direct impact on the lives of our students and their capacity to do great things with their legal education. Working together, as each generation of alumni pays it forward to the next, we build a legal community ready to tackle the pressing needs of our world.

Thank you for your generous support and for being a valued part of the Minnesota Law family.


William McGeveran
Interim Dean and Gray, Plant, Mooty, Mooty & Bennett Professor of Law

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William McGeveran

William McGeveran

William S. Pattee Professor of Law