Charlotte Garden

Charlotte Garden

Professor of Law
Julius E. Davis Professor of Law

Prof. Charlotte Garden Quoted by NYT and NBC on SCOTUS Decision On Employer Suit Over Strike Losses

Professor Charlotte Garden was quoted by the New York Times and NBC on the recent SCOTUS decision that federal labor law does not protect a union from liability if damage is incurred as a result of a strike. This means that future cases will be decided at the state level. This may impact how unions decide to strike going for, as there will be more potential legal liabilities associated with striking. Professor Garden explained that “It will definitely lead to more expensive-to-resolve lawsuits against labor unions.” Likewise, adapted methods to mitigate potential litigation could prove less effective, "things like giving advance warning about strike, which gives the employer a lot more time to hire replacement workers.” Additionally, the ruling means that “unions can be on the hook for product loss that is attributable to things that the employer did after the union knew it was going to strike.”