Richard W. Painter

S. Walter Richey Professor of Corporate Law

Prof. Painter Quoted on Wisc. State Judges Signing Petition for Election to Recall Gov. Walker

Professor Richard Painter was quoted in several news stories on the 29 Wisconsin state judges who had signed a petition for an election to recall Governor Scott Walker. Painter questioned why judges would expose themselves to criticism and a potential perception of bias by signing the recall petition, though he acknowledged there might be wiggle room within the judicial code allowing judges to sign. "For judges to be getting involved in the question of whether the governor ought to be recalled I think is highly inappropriate," said Richard Painter, who served as chief ethics lawyer in President George W. Bush's administration. "Whether it violates an ethics rule or not in Wisconsin, I think it's very inappropriate."

Read the article.
Read the Duluth News Tribune article.
Read the Huffington Post article.
Read The Republic article.
Read the MinnPost article.
Read the Beaver Dam Daily Citizen article.