Richard W. Painter

S. Walter Richey Professor of Corporate Law

Prof. Painter Writes Op-ed, "The Case for Goodwin Liu"

Professor Richard Painter wrote an editorial for Politico entitled "The Case for Goodwin Liu." In speeches on the Senate floor, Senators Feinstein (D CA) and Coons (D DE) both quoted from this and other editorials Painter has written on Goodwin Liu. Painter also spoke on a Southern California Public Radio episode entitled "The Filibuster is Back: Goodwin Liu, Nominee to the 9th Circuit, Sunk by Senate Politics." Painter's support for Ninth Circuit nominee Goodwin Liu was also cited in an editorial appearing in the San Francisco Chronicle condemning the Senate filibuster of Liu's nomination.

Read Painer's op-ed in Politico.
Listen to the Southern California Public Radio episode.
Read the San Francisco Chronicle.
Watch YouTube video of Senator Franken's speech on the floor quoting Painter's op-ed extensively.