Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Richard Painter was quoted extensively in a Star Tribune article entitled "Does Scalia belong at Bachmann sessions?" Painter, chief White House ethics lawyer under former President George W.…
Professor Richard Painter's reaction to President Obama's decision to move his Office of Political Affairs out of the White House and to Chicago was covered by Politico. Painter said, "The President has made a…
Professor Susan Wolf has been asked to testify before the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethics Issues on Monday, Feb. 28 in…
Professor Ralph Hall was quoted in a Star Tribune editorial entitled, "Cutting red tape for medical devices." The report commented on major proposed changes to a key regulatory process used to approve…
Professor Carl Warren has been chosen to serve as a member of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Clinical Section's Nomination Committee for a two-year term. His appointment to the committee received…
Prof. Jane Kirtley was a panelist for "A FOIA in the House?: Two Critical Supreme Court Cases for the Environmental and Energy Lawyer," a "Quick Teleconference" sponsored by the American Bar Association's Section…
In A Return To Judging: Genetics and Biotechnologies in the Courts (published in the Winter Edition of GeneWatch), Professor Michele Goodwin argues against judicial minimalism in biotech cases.…
Professor Greg Shaffer's new edited volume, Dispute Settlement at the WTO: The Developing Country Experience, was published by Cambridge University Press in November 2010. He edited the book along with…

In an opinion handed down today, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed with the conclusion and many of the arguments in an

The widely-read TaxProf Blog has published Professor Kristin Hickman's reaction to the Supreme Court's decision in Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research v. United States, No. 09-837, issued…
Professor William McGeveran wrote a column in Capital New York strongly criticizing a recent copyright claim by the famous artist Jeff Koons against the sale of bookends in the shape of balloon dogs.…
Professor Ralph Hall was quoted in an InsideHealthPolicy.com article entitled "Device Industry Seeks Common Ground On User Fees As Negotiations Begin." The article states that medical device industry trade groups…