Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Susan Wolf lectured at a symposium entitled "Understand Your Genome" sponsored by Illumina and the University of Minnesota. Participants received their full genome sequence and had an opportunity to hear…
Professor June Carbone's new book with Naomi Cahn, Marriage Markets: How Inequality is Remaking the American Family, will be featured in an online discussion by Firedoglake's Book Salon on Saturday, May 17,…
Professor Jane Kirtley's op-ed, "Why the U.S. Constitution Gives You the Right to Know Lethal Injection's Secrets," was published in the Guardian on the same day that several news organizations filed a law suit…
Professor Susan Wolf will speak at two National Institutes of Health (NIH)-sponsored meetings on genomic research on May 13-14. The first is a meeting of the Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium on…
Professor June Carbone's new book, Marriage Markets: How Inequality is Remaking the American Family, was discussed in a Slate article entitled "Dad's Day in Court." The article looked at whether the…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Reuters article that has since been translated into many different languages worldwide on Vice President Biden's son R. Hunter Biden's membership on the board of a Ukrainian…
Professor Stephen Meili presented his research on the impact of human rights treaties on asylum jurisprudence and practice in Canada at the annual conference of the Canadian Association of Refugee and Forced Migration…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a WalletHub report on how to avoid IRS audits. His advice was to be careful in preparing the return and avoid obvious areas of abuse such as unjustified home office deductions…
Professor Stephen Cribari will speak at "Who Owns Art? Who Owns Matisse?" a CLE event on May 8, from 5-7 p.m., at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts (MIA). In conjunction with the…
Professor Susan Wolf will deliver a keynote address at Indiana University entitled "Genomic Surprises: Should We Give Patients & Research Participants Unexpected Findings of Clinical Importance?" This lecture is…
Today marks the one-year anniversary of the launching of Professor Thomas Cotter's blog, ComparativePatentRemedies.com. The blog functions both as an ongoing supplement to his book, Comparative Patent Remedies: A…
Professor Paul Vaaler appeared in the "Good Question" segment on WCCO-TV News, answering the question "Why Do We Pay CEOs So Much To Leave?" Vaaler talked specifically about the recent resignation of Gregg Steinhafel,…