Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Richard Painter published an op-ed in the Star Tribune urging state legislators to reject a potentially divisive constitutional amendment on same sex marriage. Painter pointed out that the…

Sixty-three Law School professors sent an open letter to members of the Minnesota House of Representatives and Senate opposing a proposed amendment…
Professor Dale Carpenter and David Patton, a 1L at the Law School, testified before the Minnesota House Civil Law committee against a proposed state constitutional amendment limiting marriage to the "union of one man…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a USA Today article on the motion to recuse U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker in the California Proposition 8 case. Painter pointed out that the mere fact that Judge…
Professor Dale Carpenter published an op-ed entitled "How the Law Accepted Gays" in the New York Times. In the article, Carpenter places in historical context the recent decision of a prominent national law…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Washington Post article about a defamation lawsuit filed by Daniel Snyder, owner of the Washington Redskins, against City Paper, an alternative weekly in Washington, D…
The University of Minnesota Office of the Vice President for Research has awarded Professor Kristin Hickman a Grant-in-Aid of Research, Artistry, and Scholarship. The grant will fund an extended empirical study of…
Professor Daniel Schwarcz's article, "Reevaluating Standardized Insurance Policies" (forthcoming in the University of Chicago Law Review…
Professor William McGeveran contributed two recent articles to Capital New York. One essay considers a trademark dispute between Christian Louboutin and Yves St. Laurent…
New York Times op-ed columnist Joe Nocera quoted Professor Prentiss Cox in his piece, "Letting the Banks Off the Hook," on the recent settlement by the Office of Comptroller of the Currency with banks…
Professor Prentiss Cox appeared in a Bloomberg News story discussing the settlement between mortgage service companies and federal banking regulators. Cox noted that the Office of Comptroller of the Currency has…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted by Reuters in a story about an important insider trading case in which U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff expressed concern about new powers vested in the SEC under the Dodd-Frank…