Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Herbert Kritzer was quoted in a Star Tribune article regarding the merger of Minneapolis-based law firm Faegre & Benson with Indianapolis-based Baker & Daniels. Kritzer observed that the…
Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin presented a paper on the "Rule of Law" at the American Bar Association's 2011 International Law Fall Meeting in Dublin, Ireland, where over 1,000 attorneys from 60 countries gathered…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted by London's The Independent in a story about HLN TV commentator Nancy Grace's characterization of American exchange student Amanda Knox, and others, as guilty of crimes of…
Professor Dale Carpenter, board member of the Republicans Against the Minnesota Marriage Amendment, and Professor Richard Painter announced their support for Minnesotans United For All Families, the group…
Professor Thomas Cotter was quoted in an article in the Minnesota Daily about the effects of newly enacted changes to U.S. patent law on research at the University of Minnesota. Cotter discusses the U.S.…
Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed for WCCO TV's "Good Question": "How Free is Speech?" Kirtley explained why ESPN's decision to sever its ties with singer Hank Williams, Jr. after he made comments on Fox news…
Professor Prentiss Cox was quoted in The Daily Beast about the dispute between New York Attorney General Schneiderman and a group of attorneys general led by Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller. The attorneys…
Financial News, a Dow Jones news publication, reported on an article by Professor Richard Painter offering suggestions for improving moral standards in investment banking. Part of his article discusses…
Professor Oren Gross appeared on Israel's Channel 10 discussing the legality under United States constitutional law and international law of targeted killings in general and the killing of Anwar Al Awlaki in Yemen…
Professor Dale Carpenter will debate University of St. Thomas Law School Professor Teresa Collett on the subject of the proposed state constitutional amendment banning marriage for same-sex couples. The debate,…
Professor Michele Goodwin was quoted in the Houston Chronicle, section A, page 25, on whether Gov. Rick Perry's stem cell therapy was legal. According to Goodwin, it is unclear exactly what type of stem…
Professor Michele Goodwin wrote an article for the Chronicle of Higher Education's Brainstorm blog on the controversial issue of corporeal punishment to penalize women drivers in Saudi Arabia, a nation…