Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Perry Moriearty was interviewed for and quoted in a Star Tribune article on the status of legislation to revise Minnesota's first-degree murder sentencing statute to comply with the U.S. Supreme…
Professor Michele Goodwin was quoted in a Star Tribune article about the Minnesota Supreme Court ruling that declared part of the state's assisted-suicide law unconstitutional. The article stated: "…
Professor Thomas Cotter was quoted in a Minnesota Lawyer article on job prospects for IP lawyers. Cotter notes that "the number of annual patent applications has increased 60 percent since 2003," while "the…
Professor Thomas Cotter was quoted in the April/May issue of Make-Up Artist Magazine in an article by Chris Koseluk on intellectual property rights in make-up designs and tattoos. Cotter, who coauthored a…
Professor William McGeveran, an expert on privacy and internet law, was quoted in the Star Tribune about the trend of families using smart phone apps to track loved ones' locations using GPS technology.…
Professor JaneAnne Murray has been appointed by the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers a member of the Training Working Group for Clemency Project 2014, a joint initiative of the Obama administration…
The Financial Times covered a hearing at the Crown Court in London, where Professor Richard Painter testified about professional conduct rules for U.S. attorneys representing clients in connection with…
Professor Kristin Hickman's work on the Skidmore doctrine of judicial deference to agency legal interpretations was cited in an opinion issued by Judge William Young of the U.S. District Court for the…
Professor Daniel Schwarcz testified to a U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection regarding the appropriate capital standards for certain insurers under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Reuters story on GM's decision to retain a prominent outside law firm to investigate alleged safety problems with many of its vehicles. Painter noted that GM's hiring a law…
Professor Perry Moriearty testified before the Minnesota Senate Judiciary Committee in support of a bill that would abolish life imprisonment without parole for juveniles convicted of homicide. Moriearty worked with…
Professor Thomas Cotter was quoted in a Law360 article following Judge Lucy Koh's denial of a permanent injunction in favor of Apple in one of the hotly-contested Apple v. Samsung smartphone patent…