Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin participated in a conference on “Prosecuting Sexual…

Professor Jill Hasday discussed efforts to limit access to medication abortion using the Comstock Act of 1873 in an editorial in the Star Tribune.

Professor Jill Hasday discussed new legislation that bans Minnesota employers from asking job applicants about their pay history in an article published by Minnesota…

Professor June Carbone was featured on the New Books in Economics podcast discussing the book she co-authored, “Fair Shake: Women and the Fight to Build a Just Economy.” The book is described as a…

Professor Alan Rozenshtein was quoted in CNN Politics about a criminal case that was once viewed as the most open-and-shut prosecution against former President Donald Trump but has been…

An Amicus Brief about a dispute between Starbucks and the National Labor Relations Board was co-written by Professor Charlotte Garden and quoted in Law360. They defended the National…

Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin was interviewed on Australia’s SBS News about Syrian prisons currently holding Australians. As U.N. Special Rapporteur on the promotion and…

Professor Jill Hasday was quoted in the New York Times about an antiquated but seldom-enforced state law in New York that categorizes adultery as a crime. Professor Hasday said that when…

Prof. Alan Rozenshtein was quoted in ALM Law.com about questions that remain around Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and the limited federal immunity it provides to tech companies and social media…

Professor Sapna Kumar was interviewed on MPR News with Angela Davis. She was one of several guests on the show with the topic about what’s drawing people to Minnesota — from job seekers to climate refugees…

A United Nations report written Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin that described a refugee camp in Syria was quoted in the Wall Street Journal. Tens of thousands of civilians are being kept…

Professor Prentiss Cox was quoted in the Wall Street Journal about his attorney friend Doug Miller who has worked for many years on making the residential real-estate industry fairer for consumers.…