Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Richard Painter was quoted extensively in a Politico article on campaigning for the president's reelection by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in Wisconsin. Her campaigning did not…
Professor Bruce Shnider participated in a Dorsey & Whitney seminar entitled "The Approaching Fiscal Cliff: Change or More of the Same?" The panelists discussed the pending federal budget crisis, and Shnider…
Professor Dale Carpenter spoke on WCCO News Radio on the marriage amendment, which goes before voters in November. In one piece,…
Professor Jennie Green participated in the American Society of International Law's "CLE Institute on Human Trafficking: Justice and Accountability." The course dealt with accountability and legal protections for…
Professor Perry Moriearty was appointed to the Board of Directors of the McKnight Foundation, a Minnesota-based nonprofit family foundation that seeks to improve the quality of life worldwide, encourage protection…
Professor Stephen Befort has been elected as the new chair of the International Society for Labor and Social Security Law United States Branch. The ISLSSL fosters the study of labor law and social legislation on…
Professor Jane Kirtley appeared on a plenary panel, "Let's Get Real About Creating Public Value: Media, Markets, Taxes and Elective Politics," at a conference entitled "Creating Public Value in a Multi-Sector,…
Professor Jane Kirtley discussed WCCO TV's decision to pull a political advertisement sponsored by a Super PAC, which congressional candidate Chip Cravaack claims defamed him. Kirtley explained that although…
Professor Allan Erbsen's scholarship was recently quoted by the highest courts in two states. The Supreme Court of Indiana quoted from Erbsen's article "Impersonal Jurisdiction" in the course of discussing how…
Professor Kristin Hickman's work on judicial deference doctrine was cited by two federal circuit courts of appeals. On September 4, 2012, in Price v. Stevedoring Services of America, Inc., the…
Professor Richard Painter was interviewed on Federal News Radio, the radio network for federal government employees, about the Office of Special Counsel determination that U.S. Health and Human Services…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Bloomberg Businessweek article on the Office of Special Counsel finding that the U.S. Health and Human Services Department Secretary Kathleen Sebelius violated the Hatch…