Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Francis Shen participated in a HuffPost Live event entitled "Here Comes Precrime." Shen discussed the legal implications of recent research using brain scans to help predict criminal recidivism. Shen…
Professor Stephen Befort was quoted in an Associated Press article commenting on the sex discrimination lawsuit filed by fired Minnesota Senate Aide Michael Brodkorb. The article was prompted by the allegation that…
Professor William McGeveran will be the guest speaker at a summer happy hour sponsored by the Minneapolis-St. Paul chapter of the American Constitution Society. He will discuss recent revelations about NSA…
Professor Mark Kappelhoff was quoted in a Star Tribune article entitled "Reasons for Female Sex Traffickers are Complex." "Sex trafficking is an equal-opportunity crime," said Kappelhoff. "We've seen men and…
Professor Kristin Hickman's work on judicial deference doctrine was cited in a memorandum opinion issued by Chief Judge Karen E. Schreier of the U.S. District Court for the District of South Dakota in the case of…
Professor Francis Shen's recent article on mayors and urban education, entitled "Community Support for Mayoral Control of Urban School Districts: A Critical Reexamination," was featured as a key research article in…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Washington Post article on efforts by the New York Attorney General to discourage Reuters from releasing to hedge funds two minutes before releasing to its general…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Forbes article about groups, including universities, that, for a fee, allow market-moving information they generate to be selectively disclosed to hedge funds before…
Professor Tom Cotter will present the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center Lecture in Munich, Germany. Cotter's lecture is entitled "The Comparative Law and Economics of Standard Essential Patents and FRAND…
Professor William McGeveran wrote an op-ed published in the Pioneer Press calling for greater transparency about National Security Agency eavesdropping programs and the secret intelligence court that…
Professor Oren Gross is speaking at an international conference entitled "Securing the Freedom and Stability of Cyberspace: The Role and Relevance of International Law" in Berlin, Germany. The conference was…
Professor Dale Carpenter spoke to various media outlets on the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the Defense Of Marriage Act. Carpenter spoke to the following media:…