Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Simon was interviewed on MSNBC on Thursday August 30 and was quoted in the Los Angeles Times, The Idaho Statesman, USA Today and several other news media in the past week regarding the…
Associate Professor and Executive Director of the Institute on Race & Poverty, Myron Orfield was recently quoted in the Minneapolis Star Tribune on the pattern of school resegregation in the state of…
Professor Carpenter was on National Public Radio's "Day to Day" program discussing the recent scandal involving Idaho Senator Larry Craig.
Prof. Barry Feld was interviewed by The Wall Street Journal Law Blog about the criminal procedure issues raised by the recent arrest and guilty plea of Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho.
Professor Daniel Schwarcz was quoted on Minnesota Public Radio in a news report entitled "Floods Leave Victims High and Dry When it Comes to Insurance Coverage." The piece discussed why insurers do not…
Professor Prentiss Cox was quoted in an article in The New Republic about bank regulation and consumer protection. The article "The Nefarious Bureaucrat Who's Helping Banks Rip You Off," focused on a case…

Kristin Hickman's study in the June 2007 Notre Dame Law Review questions the Treasury Department's compliance with its procedural…

Professor Robert A. Stein, Everett Fraser Professor of Law and former dean of the Law School, was elected Delegate At-Large to the House of Delegates, the policy-making body of the American Bar Association, at the…
Dean Fred L. Morrison was quoted in an ABC News online article entitled “Bridge Collapse: Who's at Fault?” The article discusses the possibilities of liability and lawsuits to follow the I-35W bridge…
Prof. Jane Kirtley was quoted in "Anonymous Blogger Gets Under the Skin of Democrats" in the Baltimore Sun. Prof. Kirtley discussed court rulings in libel cases arising out of anonymous political blogs. "The…
Prof. Jane Kirtley delivered lectures and conducted workshops on freedom of information in the Dominican Republic between July 16 and 18 under the auspices of the U.S. State Department's Franklin Center in Santo…
Professor Myron Orfield, executive director of the Institute on Race and Poverty, and Nicholas Wallace, published "Expanding Educational Opportunity Through School and Housing Choice" in the recent summer edition of…