Faculty in the News

Faculty News

A Financial Times op-ed on applying the strengths of the traditional partnership model mentioned an earlier New York Times Dealbook op-ed by Professors Claire Hill and Richard Painter that…
Professor Susan Wolf addressed the strengths and challenges of hospice on Minnesota Public Radio's Daily Circuit. Wolf has been working on end-of-life issues for close to 30 years. She served as principal author…
Professor Myron Orfield was quoted in a Pioneer Press article entitled "U Lawyer Raises New Worry for Light-Rail Line: Segregation." The story quoted a letter Orfield wrote to the the Corridors of…
Professor Ralph Hall was quoted in a Law360 article, entitled "FDA Wise To Duck High Court Off-Label Ruling, Attorneys Say," regarding the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's recent choice to not challenge the…
Professor Stephen Meili presented his research comparing the impact of human rights treaties on jurisprudence and practice in the United Kingdom and Canada at the University of Oxford Refugee Studies Centre (RSC…
Professor Prentiss Cox was quoted in an American Medical News article regarding a New Jersey consumer fraud suit alleging that a particular gay therapy conversion program is a deceptive practice. Cox stated that…
Professor Susan Wolf lectured in Tel Aviv at the invitation of the Israeli Ministry of Health and E-Rare, the European Research Area Network for Research on Rare Diseases. E-Rare…
Professor Barry Feld was quoted extensively in a Star Tribune article on the impact of recent Supreme Court decisions on sentencing juveniles. The Court prohibited states from imposing a mandatory life…
The Institute on Metropolitan Opportunity has released "Open Enrollment and Racial Segregation in the Twin Cities: 2000-2010," a new study of the Metro area's 69 school districts, written by…
Professor Prentiss Cox was extensively quoted in a Star Tribune article about new rules issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The rules implemented limits on mortgage lending enacted as part…
Professor Jane Kirtley discussed a recent incident involving the confiscation of a bystander's video recording of Ramsey County sheriff's deputies in a public place in a Pioneer Press article. "I wish the…
Professor Stephen Cribari's poem "No Man's Land" received a commendation in the Pendle War Poetry competition in November 2012, was published in its book War Poems, and was twice read over the radio and…