Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Mark Kappelhoff will deliver the keynote address at the Federal Bar Association's 11th Annual Jack Mason Memorial Luncheon. Kappelhoff's speech will focus on the prosecution of federal civil rights…
Professor Myron Orfield was a guest on WCCO News Radio's Chad Hartman Show to discuss why poverty is spreading to the suburbs here faster than almost anywhere else.
Professor Kristin Hickman was quoted by Bloomberg BNA's U.S. Law Week, in an article entitled "Agency Deference Makes Strange Bedfellows As Justices Split on Jurisdiction Distinction," on the implications of the…
Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed by various media outlets for stories about the Department of Justice's subpoena of telephone records from Associated Press bureaus and individual reporters. She discussed the…
Science published an article by Professor Susan M. Wolf, George J. Annas (Boston University), and Sherman Elias (Northwestern University) on a major controversy over how to handle incidental findings in…
Professors Barbara Frey, Kathryn Sikkink, and David Weissbrodt and Law School alumnus Sam Heins ('72) were featured in a Pioneer Press article by Ruben Rosario entitled "Justice Achieved in Guatemala, Thanks…
Professor Laura Thomas was interviewed by FOX 9 investigators on parent alienation in regards to divorces and custody battles. Thomas defined parent alienation as "...a sustained attack on a relationship."
Professor Jane Kirtley appeared on a panel, "The New Media as an Advocate for Human Rights Reform in Colombia," at the 14th Annual Conference on Legal and Policy Issues in the Americas, held at the University of…
Professor Bernard Levinson has co-organized a conference, entitled "Convergence and Divergence in Pentateuchal Theory: Bridging the Academic Cultures of Israel," to be held at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Washington Post article on leaks of market-sensitive information by Congressional staffers to hedge funds and other investors. Painter observed that these leaks…
Professor Dale Carpenter spoke with WCCO Morning host Dave Lee about the same-sex marriage legislation being voted on in St. Paul.
Oxford University Press published a new book by Nancy Berlinger, Bruce Jennings, and Professor Susan Wolf on termination of life-sustaining treatment and care of the dying. This book is the result of a five-year…