Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Myron Orfield has been interviewed by multiple media outlets, including The Atlantic magazine and…

Professor Myron Orfield, director of the Institute on Metropolitan Opportunity, and research fellow, Will Stancil, published an op-ed piece in the Star Tribune about what followed a 1967…

Professor Myron Orfield was interviewed by CNN reporter Rosa Flores for the "Erin Burnett OutFront" program on the subject of suburban racial profiling in the Twin Cities.…

Professor Myron Orfield was interviewed by KARE 11 news concerning the Institute on Metropolitan Opportunity's 2003…

For the third time in a year, the New York Times Editorial Board has called for action based on reports issued by the Law School's Institute on…

The Minneapolis Star Tribune editorial board urges action based on a recent IMO report. The piece includes, "That’s why a report from the University of Minnesota’s Institute on Metropolitan…

In an op-ed in The Guardian US, Professor Myron Orfield writes about the state of American residential segregation in urban and suburban contexts, and how each plays into how school integration and…

In an 83 page opinion Adminstrative Law Judge Ann O'Reilly threw out a desegregation rule proposed by the Minnesota Department of Education. The opinion closely follows comments submitted by Professor…

Professor Myron Orfield is interviewed about his research on suburban resegregation in CityLab, an AtlanticMedia publication. 

Professor Myron Orfield is quoted about racial transition in American suburbs and its implications for fair housing enforcement in CityLab an AtlanticMedia publication.