Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Amy Monahan's article on California's public-sector pension law, published in the Iowa Law Review, was cited in a Marin Independent Journal op-ed entitled "Time to Challenge State Pension…
Professor Amy Monahan was quoted in The Wall Street Journal regarding a recent ballot initiative in San Jose, California that approved changes to pension benefits for current city workers. Monahan noted that…
Professor Amy Monahan was quoted in a Financial Times article entitled "City Pensions Thrust to Fore in US." The article explains San Jose's political battle to cut public pensions. Monahan was quoted saying…
Professor Amy Monahan was quoted on CNBC.com regarding public pension reform efforts and the lawsuits that have resulted, noting that it is difficult to determine in advance which reforms will be legally successful.…
Professor Amy Monahan was quoted in a Bloomberg Businessweek article examining changes that the city of Providence, Rhode Island is making to the pension benefits of city workers and retirees. Monahan explained that…
Professor Amy Monahan was quoted in a Financial Times article entitled "U.S. States Face Legal Action over Pensions." Monahan was quoted saying, "With public employee pension plans, it is state law that…
A paper recently published by Professors Amy Monahan and Daniel Schwarcz in the Virginia Law Review was featured on Minnesota Public Radio. In the paper, Monahan and Schwarcz argue that the Patient…
Professor Amy Monahan was quoted in a Los Angeles Times article entitled "FSAs Encourage Rather than Reduce Unnecessary Healthcare Spending." Monahan gave a statement on health flexible spending accounts…
Professor Amy Monahan was quoted in a St. Cloud Times article entitled "Legislators' Per Diems may be Counted as Income toward Pensions." According to the article, "Monahan says Minnesota's policy on…
Professor Amy Monahan was quoted in a New York Times article discussing the recent bankruptcy of Central Falls, Rhode Island and its impact on the pension benefits of city retirees. Monahan noted that…
Professor Amy Monahan will address the National Conference of State Legislatures at the organization's Annual Legislative Summit. Monahan will present her research on the legal protections for state and local…
Professor Amy Monahan addressed the Fiscal Affairs & Government Operations Committee of the Southern Legislative Conference at its 65th annual meeting. Monahan discussed the legal limitations on public employee…