Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Claire Hill participated in a debate on the rating agencies' role in the Eurozone crisis, and her article was published in The European, an online opinion magazine. Hill argued that previous criticisms of…
Professor Claire Hill was quoted in the International Financial Law Review on alternative models for compensating rating agencies. The Dodd-Frank Act mandated a study on such models. The major rating…
Professors Claire Hill and Richard Painter published an op-ed entitled "Why S.E.C. Settlements Should Hold Senior Executives Liable" in The New York Times' online edition of the "Dealbook" page. In the…
Professor Claire Hill gave the 2011 Barbara Aronstein Black Lecture at Columbia Law School. Her lecture was entitled "How Contracts On Wall Street (And Some Other Places) Do Things With Words."
Professor Claire Hill was a featured guest on "Crosstalk," a program on Russia Today TV. The program dealt with prospects for the Euro and the Eurozone. The likeliest short to moderate term outcome was, Hill…
Professor Claire Hill was one of the participants in a "Room for Debate" forum in the New York Times on the sovereign downgrades in Europe. The forum considered whether the downgrades had hurt Europe,…
Professors Claire Hill and Richard Painter published an op-ed in the online "Dealbook" section of the New York Times, urging that the most highly paid investment bankers be personally liable for the debts…
Financial News, a Dow Jones news publication, reported on an article by Professor Richard Painter offering suggestions for improving moral standards in investment banking. Part of his article discusses…
Professor Claire Hill was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article entitled "What a Downgrade Means for You." Hill noted that safety is relative, and in the event of a U.S. downgrade, investors would still…
Professor Claire Hill published an article in The European magazine on the rating agencies' recent downgrades in Europe. Hill argued, "Whatever we may conclude as to how their misratings in the preceding…
Professor Claire Hill was quoted in the German newspaper Die Zeit on the recent rating agency downgrades of sovereign debt in Portugal. Hill opined that asking rating agencies to take into account the…
Professor Claire Hill's article, "Why Did The Rating Agencies Do Such A Bad Job Rating Subprime Securities?", originally published in the Pittsburgh Law Review, has been chosen to be included in the 2011…