Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor William McGeveran was interviewed by KSTP-TV regarding employers and social networking sites. McGeveran said private companies do not have a legal obligation to protect the free speech of its employees…
Professor William McGeveran published an article in Capital New York discussing a trademark dispute between Facebook and a parody site called Lamebook. McGeveran, who teaches and studies both internet…
A piece by Professor William McGeveran was featured in a New York Times online "…
Professor William McGeveran, a specialist in internet, intellectual property and privacy law, recently delivered one of the plenary presentations at the annual Intellectual Property Scholars Conference at the…
Fox 9 News, KARE 11 News, and the syndicated radio program Access Minnesota recently featured Professor William McGeveran as a guest discussing privacy in Facebook and other social networks. McGeveran, a…
Professor William McGeveran was quoted in a story on National Public Radio's Morning Edition about changes in Facebook's privacy settings. McGeveran, who has written about privacy and social media, suggested…
Professor William McGeveran was one of the guests in a "Room for Debate" forum sponsored by the New York Times web site about privacy on Facebook. McGeveran, who has written scholarly articles about privacy…
Minnesota Public Radio interviewed Professor William McGeveran about "net neutrality"--proposed requirements that internet providers transmit all content at the same speed rather than charging premium rates for fast…
Professor William McGeveran commented for a Pioneer Press story about a Minnesota Court of Appeals decision interpreting the state's privacy torts. He explained that Minnesota only recognized the torts…
The Star Tribune quoted Professor William McGeveran discussing a lawsuit over the right to use NFL players' statistics in online fantasy football games. Yahoo.com, which runs one such game, filed the suit in…
Professor William McGeveran was interviewed on National Public Radio's All Things Considered program about controversy related to a change in Facebook's terms of service. McGeveran, who recently wrote…
Professor William McGeveran, who studies privacy on the internet, was quoted in the Pioneer Press about Eden Prairie High School's punishment of students for images of underage drinking on their Facebook…