Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, U.N. Special Rapporteur on Counterterrorism and Human Rights, has called on the Biden administration to stop the United Arab Emirates from forcibly repatriating Ravil Mingazov to Russia in violation of International law. The UAE previously had made assurances of his safety. “It’s deeply concerning that an assurance given to the United States appears to be broken without consequence,” Ní Aoláin said. “We need a White House, a high-level political intervention. It appears no one is willing to expend that political energy on a former Guantánamo detainee.”

Tribute: The Honorable Thorwald H. Anderson, Jr. '64 passed away this past April at age 86

The Honorable Thorwald H. Anderson, Jr. '64 has passed away this past April at age 86. According to his obituary, "Upon graduating from Lubbock High School in 1954, Anderson attended the University of Mississippi where he received a BA in political science in 1958. He then served over three years of active duty as a junior officer in the Navy. Following his discharge in 1961, he moved to Minnesota. He attended the University of Minnesota and received his juris doctorate degree, with honors, in 1964.

Thorwald Anderson

Prof. Alan Rozenshtein was interviewed in the Atlantic about the upcoming supreme court cases that could redefine the internet.

Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin Joined European Parliamentarians in Brussels This Week for a Global Conference on the Closure of Guantanamo  

Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin joined European Parliamentarians in Brussels this week for a global conference on the closure of the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The event brought the mandate of the UN Special Rapporteur, European Union Parliamentarians, former detainees including Mansoor Adayfi, a non-resident Visiting Fellow at the Law School's Human Rights Center, the former Muslim Chaplain to Guantanamo, and detainee lawyers together.

Fionnuala NiAolain addressing European Parliament

Professor Tom Cotter was quoted in Minnesota Lawyer regarding the ability of artists to gain copyrights based on the amount of artificial intelligence (AI) that was used in creating their works. A U.S. District Court ruling in August said that work generated by AI solely cannot hold a copyright. “The judge’s ruling was affirming the copyright office. [It’s] consistent with longstanding U.S. practice and U.S. cases,” Cotter said. “It remains to be seen exactly what the implications will be.”

Alumni & Student Fall Social

November 2, 2023, 5:30 to 8:00 pm

The Alumni and Student Engagement Committee welcomes alumni and current students to a special Minnesota Law Social.

We hope you can join us! 

Alumni Fall Social Image

Distinguished Scholar in Residence for Financial Regulation William Black was quoted in Reuters about Donald Trump being found liable for fraud by inflating the value of his New York-based assets.

Interim Dean William McGeveran was quoted in the Minnesota Daily regarding the upcoming Stein Lecture that features U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett. McGeveran heard student concerns at a meeting held Sept. 25 with the Law Council. “My role and the Law School’s role is to support our faculty and students when they want to exercise speech rights,” McGeveran said. “Whether that’s bringing speakers, responding to speakers or engaging in non-disruptive protests, we want to see lots of different perspectives.” 

Professor Tom Cotter was quoted by Reuters regarding an antitrust suit filed by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and 17 states against Amazon. They claim the retail giant uses its market power to stifle competition. But legal experts, including Cotter, said the plaintiffs will face a high legal bar to prove the company took illegal steps to maintain its retail dominance. Amazon’s argument, according to Cotter, will be “We provide consumers with access to a wide variety of goods at affordable prices quickly.”

Professor Richard Painter was quoted in The Guardian on Justice Clarence Thomas participating in donor events sponsored by the Koch network. The revelation, detailed in a ProPublica report, stated that Thomas attended events and was in a position to increase fundraising attendance for the group that has brought cases before the Supreme Court, including one in the upcoming term.