Professor JaneAnne Murray, the Director of the Law School's Clemency Project, and also Director of the Trial Penalty Clemency Project of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), was quoted in a press release issued by NACDL to accompany its delivery of five more trial penalty clemency cases to the Office of the Pardon Attorney and the White House, adding to the previous ten submitted between October and November, which are still awaiting action by the White House.The sentences of these five individuals, as compared to the sentences of their co-defendants or to the

Professor JaneAnne Murray, Director of the School's Clemency Project, was quoted in an article by Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) on COVID-19's threat to prisoners, who are unable to engage in realistic social distancing.  Citing the fact that she had and her students have filed several motions for compassionate release for federal prisons, Murray pointed out that these motions require the judges to reexamine the sentences they issued decades ago with a new perspective.  They’re looking at “what th

In a Bloomberg Law video, environmental & energy law professor Alexandra Klass discusses the legal and regulatory hurdles involved in building oil & gas pipelines in the United States.

Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin's was interviewed in the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law. Speaking on her work as a UN Special Rapporteur addressing human rights concerning counter terrorism, Professor Ní Aoláin provides advice to emerging lawyers interested in international human rights and shares on her upcoming books, "The Paradox of Democratic Transition" and "Managing Terrorism through the Courts."

2L Frances Daniels Wins $5K Scholarship from AccessLex

AccessLex has awarded a $5,000 scholarship to Frances Daniels, 2L.

AccessLex is a nonprofit organization that seeks to further access, affordability, and the value of legal education through research, policy, advocacy, and direct member and student educational services.

Daniels, a frequent user of its resources, learned of her scholarship on Friday during a video conference call with AccessLex representatives and Assistant Dean of Students Erin Keyes ’00. (See video clip below.)

2L Frances Daniels

Minnesota Law Review Releases Season Three of Podcast, Experto Crede

The Minnesota Law Review just released the first episode of season three of its podcast, Experto Crede. Currently in volume 105, MLR is planning to publish one episode each for Issues 1-5, and also potentially an interview with one of the symposium speakers who will be published in Issue 6. Two of MLR’s online editors, 3Ls Cat Ulrich (lead editor) and Zach Wright, recently answered a few questions on the podcast and their plans for the current season.

3Ls Cat Ulrich and Zach Wright, online editors for the Minnesota Law Review

Law School Launches New Podcast Series, LawTalk

The Law School is proud to announce the launch of a new podcast series, LawTalk. The series features discussions on diverse topics at the intersection of law, policy, and education drawn from Law School events and webinars.

LawTalk, a Minnesota Law podcast series