- Springfield College, B.S.
- University of Notre Dame, J.D.
Mr. Dunne is an Assistant U.S. Attorney who currently serves as a Senior Advisor to management in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the District of Minnesota. Prior to his appointment to this role, Mr. Dunne served for 35 years in various roles in the Criminal Division including Criminal Chief (2010-2012), Senior Litigation Counsel (2012-2017), OCDETF/Narcotics Chief (1996-2007, 2017-2022), Violent & Major Crimes Chief (2022-2023) and as a line AUSA prosecuting a variety of cases, but primarily guns, drugs, gangs and violent crime. In 2007, Mr. Dunne was appointed Assistant Director for Criminal Programs at the Department of Justice’s National Advocacy Center where he directed the criminal trial advocacy training programs for newly hired federal prosecutors. Since 2010, Mr. Dunne has traveled extensively as an instructor for the Department of Justice’s Overseas Prosecutorial Development Assistance and Training (OPDAT) program. He also serves as an Adjunct Professor at St. Thomas University School of Law and at the University of Minnesota Law School where he teaches Trial Practice courses. Mr. Dunne is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame Law School.