JaneAnne Murray

Associate Clinical Professor of Law

Prof. Murray Quoted in MPR Article about the Spread of Covid-19 in Prisons

Professor JaneAnne Murray, Director of the School's Clemency Project, was quoted in an article by Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) on COVID-19's threat to prisoners, who are unable to engage in realistic social distancing.  Citing the fact that she had and her students have filed several motions for compassionate release for federal prisons, Murray pointed out that these motions require the judges to reexamine the sentences they issued decades ago with a new perspective.  They’re looking at “what that person has achieved in prison, what kind of person they have become, how they've changed and matured and learned to give back, even within a prison environment,” Murray said.  “I hope that it's causing those judges to rethink some of the very long sentences that they impose going forward.”