Tom Cotter

Taft Stettinius & Hollister Professor of Law

Law360 Quotes Prof. Cotter on Justice Stevens’s Contributions to IP Law

A Law360 story titled “Justice Stevens Sought Careful Limits on Reach of IP Law” quotes Professor Tom Cotter on the late Justice’s contributions to IP case law. Cotter stated that Justice Stevens’s copyright and patent opinions “were consistent with an overall view that we should construe the IP statutes somewhat narrowly, and that there are significant risks of monopolization.” Cotter also stated that “[w]hether you ultimately agreed with his views or not, you knew that it would be [a] scholarly, well-thought-out, well-reasoned opinion. ... That was the sort of lawyer and justice that he was.” Cotter shared some further observations on his blog earlier this week, after hearing of the Justice’s death.