JaneAnne Murray

Associate Clinical Professor of Law

Prof. Murray Quoted in MPR About Trial of Former Minneapolis Police Officer Mohamed Noor

Professor Murray was quoted by Minnesota Public Radio about the actions that are required for prosecutors to prove the three charges—second- and third-degree murder, as well as second-degree manslaughter—against former Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor, who is facing trial in the shooting death of Australia native Justine Ruszczyk. “If Noor is convicted of intentional murder, the jury won’t even consider the other two charges against him,” said Murray. Murray was also asked about the strategic considerations involved in Noor’s decision whether to exercise his right to remain silent at his trial or to testify. “Assuming he's able to testify in a compelling way and give a compelling narrative, he can evoke sympathy," Murray said. “He can also convince the jury that the actions and deeds were justified in those moments leading up to her death.”