Steve Meili

Steve Meili

James H. Michael Chair in International Human Rights Law
Assistant Dean for Clinical Education
Professor of Law

Prof. Meili Presents Research on Detained Asylum Seekers in Warwick, England

Professor Stephen Meili presented his research on the detention of asylum-seekers in the U.S. and the U.K. at the University of Warwick, England. Meili's research, which will be featured in an upcoming article in the NYU Journal of International Law and Politics, focuses on the role of human rights norms in recent court decisions striking down certain aspects of the detention of asylum-seekers in both countries. He concludes that while human rights treaties—which are relied on by courts in the U.K. far more than in the U.S.—are not a panacea for combatting the increased detention of asylum seekers and other migrants, they afford advocates additional means of challening such detention. Those treaties have also become an important interpretive tool for judges adjudicating challenges to detention under the common law.