Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Highlights of Professor Ralph Hall's 2006-2010 FDA data analysis was cited in an editorial in the Star Tribune entitled "Red Tape Still Stalls Medical Devices." The article stated that Hall's "findings…
Professor Michele Goodwin is the newest member of the Chronicle of Higher Education Brainstorm group. Brainstorm is the Chronicle Review's blog on ideas, culture, and the arts. It features some of the best…
Professor Susan Wolf chaired a standing-room-only conference in Washington, D.C., funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). "Should We Return Individual…
Professor Richard Painter wrote an editorial for Politico entitled "The Case for Goodwin Liu." In speeches on the Senate floor, Senators Feinstein (D CA) and Coons (D DE) both quoted from this and other…
Professor Brian Bix gave a Slate reporter background information about the legal treatment of prenuptial agreements for an article that responded to a comment stating that the prenuptial agreement between…
Professor Dale Carpenter wrote an op-ed in the Pioneer Press opposing the proposed state marriage amendment, which would exclude same-sex couples from marriage under the state constitution. Carpenter argued…
Professor Steve Meili chaired a roundtable discussion on immigration and human rights at a conference in London sponsored by King's College, the New University of Lisbon, and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. The…
Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on Voice of Russia radio, discussing President Obama's decision not to release photographs of Osama bin Laden. She described legal justifications for withholding the photographs,…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a New York Times article on the Senate Ethics Committee's referral to the Justice Department of its conclusion that Senator John Ensign (R NV) had broken the law in…
Professor Dale Carpenter was featured in the lead story on WCCO, the local CBS affiliate last night after the Minnesota senate approved a marriage amendment. "For better or worse, we will now be known as the state in…

Professor Richard Painter published an op-ed in the Star Tribune urging state legislators to reject a potentially divisive constitutional amendment on same sex marriage. Painter pointed out that the…

Sixty-three Law School professors sent an open letter to members of the Minnesota House of Representatives and Senate opposing a proposed amendment…