Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Kristin Hickman was quoted in a Bloomberg article, IRS Could Face More Court Battles After Nonprofit Donor Ruling, regarding a federal district court's holding in Bullock v. IRS,…

Professor and John and Bruce Mooty Chair in Law & Business, Paul M. Vaaler, published an op-ed in the Star Tribune explaining why several international airlines, including major U.S.

Professor Tom Cotter was quoted in Law360 article titled "EU's 1st Fine In 16 Years Shows Predatory Pricing Challenges." The article discusses the European Commissions' recent decison to fine Qualcomm €242 million…

Prof. Turoski presented his research on the patent landscape of the Internet of Things at the National Association of Patent Practitioners (NAPP) Annual Meeting and Conference.

Professor Tom Cotter was quoted in the newsletter FTC Watch in an artcle titled "In tackling high drug prices, FTC shows partisan split." The article discusses a recent Federal Trade Commission…

In a piece highlighting the economic thought of Minnesota native Thorstein Veblen, an economist in the late 19th and early 20th century who developed the theory of conspicuous consumerism, Prof. Paul…

Professor Tom Cotter was quoted in a Law360 story titled, “FTC Facing Qualcomm Alone as Trump Admin. Turns on Case.” The article discusses the recent filing of a Statement of Interest on behalf of the…

A Law360 story titled “Justice Stevens Sought Careful Limits on Reach of IP Law” quotes Professor Tom Cotter on the late Justice’s contributions to IP case law. Cotter stated that Justice Stevens’s copyright and…

An amicus brief filed by Prof. Kristin Hickman in support of rehearing en banc in CIC Services LLC v. Internal Revenue Service, 925 F.3d 247 (6th Cir. 2019), was published and commentary on the brief was…

Professor Kitrosser spoke to Rick Ungar of the nationally syndicated radio program, “The Rick Ungar Show,” about the ongoing census litigation. In the broadcasted conversation, Professor Kitrosser weighed in…

Professor Thomas Cotter was quoted by Law360 on the European Commission’s decision earlier this year to fine MasterCard €570 million for its practice, since discontinued, of forbidding merchants in EU member…

Prof. Kristin Hickman’s essay, The Chevronization of Auer, 103 Minn. L. Rev. Headnotes 103 (2019), co-authored with Mark Thomson ’12, was cited by Justice Gorsuch in his concurring opinion in…