Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Myron Orfield explained the meaning of the U.S. Supreme Court's Fair Housing decision and the new federal rules defining governmental duties under the Fair Housing Act in a Governing article…
Professor Dale Carpenter wrote a piece entitled "Anti-Gay Discrimination is Sex Discrimination, Says the EEOC" for the Volokh Conspiracy blog in the Washington Post. Carpenter states, "The Supreme Court may…
Professor Dale Carpenter was interviewed on Access Minnesota about the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage.
Professor Paul Vaaler was interviewed by KARE 11 TV News on the Iran Nuclear Arms limitation agreement and its near-term implications for oil and gasoline prices in Minnesota as well as foreign investment…
Professor Myron Orfield discussed the implication of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision and the new affirmatively furthering fair housing rule on "To the Point," a nationally syndicated news radio program.
Professor Allan Erbsen was quoted in a Forbes article entitled "Uber Case May Hinge on What the Drivers Want." In the context of discussing litigation in which the ostensible beneficiaries of remedies would…
Professor Myron Orfield's work was discussed in terms of recent changes in Fair Housing law in an article, entitled "Taking the First Big Step Toward Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing," on Switchboard, the Natural…
Professor Paul Vaaler discussed recent developments in the ongoing sovereign debt crisis in Greece including prospective debt bail-out and restructuring as well as default scenarios confronting Greece's left-wing…

Professor Jane Kirtley's essay, "Gawker—and First Amendment—May Receive Body Blow from Another Thin-Skinned Wrestler" was published by The Conversation, an online publisher of articles written by members of the…

Professor Jane Kirtley's essay, "Gawker—and First Amendment—May Receive Body Blow from Another Thin-Skinned Wrestler" was published by The Conversation, an online publisher of articles written by members of the…
Professor Dale Carpenter was quoted in a Star Tribune article entitled "43 Years Later, Minneapolis Couple's Fight for Marriage Vindicated." More than four decades before the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the…
Professor June Carbone's 2010 book Red Families v. Blue Families with Naomi Cahn received renewed attention with publication of a new study testing the sources of family stability. The most recent article, in…