Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Cornell Law School professor Saule T. Omarova reviewed "Better Bankers, Better Banks," by professors Claire Hill and Richard Painter in JOTWELL (The Journal of Things We Like (Lots)) …

Professor Richard Painter was quoted extensively in an article titled, "A Revolving Door Helps Big Banks’ Quiet Campaign to Muscle Out Fannie and Freddie" that appeared on the front page of the New York…

Glenn Reynolds wrote a review for USA Today of Better Bankers, Bettter Banks (U Chicago Press 2015) by Professors Claire Hill and Richard Painter. The review discusses the proposal of Hill and…

Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Huffington Post article on financial conflicts of interest that Donald Trump would have if he were to be elected president. Painter observed that the law does little…

The National Journal, in an article entitled "Make Bankers Pay for their Mistakes," published portions of an interview with Professors Claire Hill and Richard Painter about their new book, Better…

Professor Richard Painter's proposal for campaign finance reform was favorably mentioned by Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig in his New York Times op-ed, writing: "Republicans, too, are increasingly…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Bloomberg News article on financial conflicts of interest that arose because a new Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) commissioner did not, upon taking office,…
Professor Richard Painter and three other former officials in Republican administrations have formed Take Back Our Republic, a new group aimed at convincing conservatives to back campaign finance reform. The group…
The New York Times published an article on bipartisan efforts to limit lobbyists influence over state attorneys general that featured quotes from and a photo of Professor Richard Painter. According to…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in an OpenSecrets.org article on campaign contributions by BlackRock to Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), who also invests a substantial amount of his own money with BlackRock. Painter…
Professor Richard Painter's expert opinion on lawyer-client privilege issues was discussed at a House Oversight Committee hearing at which Republican members asked the Chairman of the U.S. Chemical Safety Board to…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in an Indianapolis Star article on conflicts of interest when a nonprofit company hired by the State of Indiana to advise on investment of taxpayer money in business…