Preventing Gun Violence: Legal Strategies and Remedies

March 13, 2023, 12:15 to 1:15 pm
Walter F. Mondale Hall
Room 25

University of Minnesota Law School
229 19th Ave South
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States

GVP banner image

In January 2023, Minnesota Law launched a Gun Violence Prevention Clinic. This clinic is believed to be the first in-house law school clinic in the nation with a focus on promoting gun violence prevention through strategic litigation. Join us on Monday, March 13 to learn more about legal strategies and remedies in preventing gun violence in Minneapolis and the state of Minnesota. Time will be allotted towards the end of the hour-long program for a moderated Q&A.

Featured panelists include: 

Introductory remarks provided by: 

  • Garry W. Jenkins, Dean and William S. Pattee Professor of Law
  • Timothy Daly, Director, Joyce Foundation Gun Violence Prevention & Justice Reform Program
Accessibility Information

If you are unable to attend the in-person lecture, a video recording will be available and linked from this event page following the event.

Parking Information