Business Law Concentration – 6922

This seminar is intended as an introduction and overview for students interested in completing the Business Law Concentration; students in the Concentration are encouraged to take the seminar. The course will explore the careers, social roles, and professional obligations of business lawyers in a variety of specialties through readings and in panel sessions with practitioners as well as adjunct and full-time faculty at the Law School. Students will also choose and meet with a mentor selected from a group of local business lawyers. Students will review the Law School’s business law curriculum, both providing feedback on the courses available and receiving guidance that will help them shape their own trajectory within the Concentration.

This 1-credit seminar will be graded on a Honors/Pass/Low Pass/Fail basis. There are no prerequisites.

Subject Area
Business Law *
Student Year
J.D. - 2L/3L (Upper Division)
Grade base
Course type