Mergers and Acquisitions – 6102

This class will cover the theory behind, the Federal and state law governing, and the practice of, Mergers and Acquisitions. Our main focus will be what a transactional lawyer would want and need to know as to why mergers and acquisitions might occur and how and why companies or shareholders would embrace or disfavor them, how the transactions are documented and how disclosure requirements are met, and what the present cases say.

This course does not have a final exam. Instead, it has a mix of presentations, short writing assignments and quizzes.


LAW 6051/5051 Business Associations/Corporations or 5050/3050 Law of Business Organizations.  LAW 6051 may also be taken concurrently.

Course Equivalency

Students may NOT earn credit if LAW 5102 Mergers and Acquisitions was previously completed.

Subject Area
Business Law *
Corporate Law
Student Year
J.D. - 2L/3L (Upper Division)
Grade base
A - F
Course type