Walter F. Mondale (’56) Calls for New Dedication to Fair Housing

In a speech delivered to a standing ovation yesterday at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in Washington, D.C., former Vice President Walter Mondale (’56) said that America is witnessing "the most important moment for fair housing since 1968." That year saw the passage of the landmark Fair Housing Act, which then-Sen. Mondale co-authored and shepherded through a difficult legislative process to enactment.

Walter F. Mondale (’56)

Immigration and Human Rights Clinic Helps Salvadoran Woman Gain Asylum

The Law School's Immigration and Human Rights Clinic recently helped a Salvadoran woman gain asylum in the United States.

The client came to the United States in 2012 to escape her abusive husband, who had physically, sexually, and psychologically abused her for many years in El Salvador. He struck her on numerous occasions, using tree branches, ropes, and belts. He also beat their children, and frequently threatened his wife's life.

Center for New Americans

Natalie E. Hudson (’82) Appointed by Gov. Mark Dayton to the Minnesota Supreme Court

For the past 13 years, Natalie E. Hudson ('82) has served on the Minnesota Court of Appeals, issuing more than 1,100 written opinions and "demonstrating clearly her unique aptitude for ruling on some of the most challenging legal issues facing our state today," Gov. Mark Dayton said.

Hudson will replace Justice Alan Page (’78), who recently retired after reaching the state's mandatory retirement age of 70. Page had served on the Minnesota Supreme Court for 22 years. Before beginning his legal career, Page played in four Super Bowls as a member of the Minnesota Vikings.

Natalie E. Hudson (’82)