Prof. Daniel Schwarcz Wins American Law Institute’s Young Scholars Medal

The American Law Institute has announced that it will award its Young Scholars Medal to Professor Daniel Schwarcz of the Law School. The award is presented every other year at the ALI’s annual meeting to one or two outstanding early-career law professors whose work has the potential to influence improvements in the law. Colleen V. Chien of Santa Clara University School of Law will also receive the Young Scholars Medal this year.

Dan Schwarcz

Pro Bono: The Ethics of Doing Good

April 22, 2017, 10:00 to 11:30 am

Watch the Video

Please join 1996 U of M Law alumna, Michele Garnett McKenzie, from The Advocates for Human Rights and other distinguished panelists as they discuss the ethical rules and standards of the legal profession and how they apply in the pro bono context.

1.5 Ethics CLE credits have been approved; Event Code #238833

Perspectives on Taxation Series

April 10, 2017, 12:15 to 1:15 pm

In baseball, if the runner touches the base at the same time as the baseman catches the ball or tags the runner, the runner is safe. In other words, a tie goes to the runner. State and federal tax controversies also can involve close calls, either because the facts supporting the two sides are balanced or because the law is unsettled.  When that happens, when the case is close, should the court hold for the taxpayer or the revenue bureau? Courts have answered this question differently in different eras and in different jurisdictions.

1 Standard CLE credit has been approved; Event Code #237673
Prof Steve Johnson

Sex Trafficking of People with Disabilities

April 4, 2017, 12:15 to 1:15 pm

The Minnesota Chapter of the FBA Diversity Committee and the FBA University of Minnesota Law School Student Division are pleased to host a CLE event with an esteemed panel of speakers to discuss the topic of sex trafficking of people with disabilities both nationally and in the State of Minnesota. The diverse panel will share their personal experiences, examine the history and evolving legal landscape of sex trafficking, legal rights, remedies, victim advocacy, prevention, and other recommendations provided from different perspectives.

1 Standard CLE credit has been approved; Event Code #235375

Humanity in War: An International Humanitarian Law Workshop

March 25, 2017, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

The workshop will cover the major areas of International Humanitarian Law: legal classifications of types of armed conflict, Geneva Convention and Additional Protocols, fundamental principles and protections afforded by international law, distinction between combatants and civilians, civilian and direct participations in hostilities, role of the Red Cross and other humanitarian actors in armed conflict. 

This one-day instructor-led workshop was designed to train Red Cross personnel and now is made available to all interested professionals. 


6 Standard CLE credits have been approved; Event Code #236549

Allen Barr (’17) Wins Scribes Law Review Award

Allen Cook Barr (’17) has been named the winner of the 2017 Scribes Law Review Award for his note, “Guardians of Your Galaxy S7: Encryption Backdoors and the First Amendment,” published in the Minnesota Law Review (Vol. 101, Issue 1). The prize has been given annually since 1987 by Scribes: The American Society of Legal Writers.

Allen Cook Barr (’17)

Professor Richard Painter—former chief ethics lawyer for the George W. Bush administration—was interviewed by Tom Weber of MPR News about the meaning of Michael Flynn’s resignation, as well as the importance of continued investigation of alleged Russian interference in United States politics. “The Michael Flynn episode is just one person who was compromised with respect to Russia, but Russia has been making efforts to infiltrate the United States political system for decades,” said Painter.

Developments in Immigration Law: Executive Orders, Trafficking, and Federal Litigation

March 31, 2017, 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

The James H Binger Center for New Americans will host a half-day CLE conference titled "Developments in Immigration Law: Executive Orders, Trafficking, and Federal Litigation" on Friday, March 31, 2017. Students from each of the Center's three clinics will present on developments in immigration law related to their practice areas. 


2 Standard and 1 Ethics CLE credits have been approved; Event Codes #237902, #237560, #237270