Perspectives on Taxation Lecture Series

February 27, 2019, 12:15 to 1:15 pm

Before the TCJA, US multinationals urged Congress to adopt a territorial or exemption system for foreign-source active business income, while labor-backed groups and others favored an expanded worldwide tax regime. With the TCJA, Congress chose both, creating a more complex international system that manages to include elements of territoriality, expanded worldwide taxation, and even deferral. Estimates suggest that the TCJA has shifted U.S.

1 Standard CLE credit has been requested; Event Code #269234

Bert J. McKasy ’68, Former State Legislator and Commerce Commissioner, Dies at 77

Bert J. McKasy ’68, who was elected to three terms in the Minnesota House of Representatives and later served as commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Commerce, passed away peacefully at his home in Mendota Heights on Feb. 8. McKasy had undergone three years of chemotherapy for colon cancer until deciding in August 2018 to enter hospice care. He was 77.

Bert J. McKasy ’68

Meet Prof. Joe McGrath, Visiting Faculty Member From Dublin

Joining the faculty as a visiting professor this semester is Joe McGrath, a lecturer/ assistant professor at University College Dublin’s Sutherland School of Law. McGrath has researched and written extensively on white-collar crime, and his work has been published in books, journals, and national newspapers. In addition to white collar crime, he lectures on financial regulation and corporate governance.

What courses are you teaching while you are with the University of Minnesota Law School?

WLSA / Employer Relations Host: Women in Law Panel Discussion

March 8, 2019, 12:15 to 1:15 pm

Hear from practicing women attorneys about navigating the "unwritten rules" of law firm life. Panelists will offer advice and resources for students as they begin summer and post graduate employment. Please bring your questions to ask as well. Food will be provided. 


Two 3Ls Receive Fellowships from World Without Genocide

World Without Genocide, a St. Paul-based human rights organization, recently awarded Benjamin B. Ferencz Fellowships in Human Rights and Law for the 2018-19 academic year to 3Ls Abigail Hencheck and N. Georgette Marling.

The fellowships provide financial support for work on core areas of human rights including research, policy development, and action at local, state, national, and international levels.

Hencheck was selected to work on legislation to address gender discrimination and violence. Marling was selected to work on legislation to address climate change.

3Ls Abigail Hencheck and N. Georgette Marling

Q&A with 2L Eduardo Castro

Eduardo Castro is a 2L engaged in numerous student activities, including serving as co-president of the Latinx Law Students Association. Recently, he led a public discussion with CNN legal analyst Laura Coates '05, the featured speaker at the Law School's 4th annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation (See video).    

2L Eduardo Castro

In its opinion in Doe v. Hon. Margaret Mahoney, the Arizona Court of Appeals quoted Lyrissa Lidsky and Thomas Cotter's 2007 article Authorship, Audiences, and Anonymous Speech, 82 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1537, for the proposition that (“If all it takes is an allegation of defamation to uncover a defendant’s identity, the right to speak anonymously is very fragile indeed . . . [o]n the other hand, anonymity should not immunize the defendant’s tortious conduct.”).

Q&A with Olivia Judd ’18

Olivia Judd ’18 puts the lessons she learned at the James H. Binger Center for New Americans to work every day at the National Immigrant Justice Center in Chicago, where she is a staff attorney with the organization's LGBT Immigrant Rights Initiative. She says the work she did at the Center was a “huge factor” in her readiness for life as an attorney.     

In what ways did you find your participation in the Binger Center valuable?

Olivia Judd ’18