Faculty in the News

Faculty News

—Professor Painter was interviewed by NPR's All Things Considered on the controversy over Senator Ben Nelson's vote on parts of the financial reform bill that are opposed by Warren Buffet's Berkshire…
—Professor Richard Painter was quoted in an editorial by Deborah Saunders in the San Francisco Chronicle on the President's nomination of Godwin Liu to the Ninth Circuit. The op-ed disagreed with Professor…
—In a New York Times times article on the SEC's fraud case against Goldman Sachs, Professor Richard Painter was quoted as saying that the novel nature of the fraud charges made it important for the S.E.C. to…
—Ms. Totenberg's NPR story about the April 16 Senate hearing on Goodwin Liu's nomination to the Ninth Circuit quoted Professor Richard Painter's posts to the website Legal Ethics Forum. Ms. Totenberg quoted that…
—Senator Patrick Leahy, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, in a letter to Senator Jeff Sessions, ranking minority member of the Committee, quoted Professor Richard Painter's on-line posts stating that Liu…
—In an article in the Los Angeles Times, Professor Richard Painter's posts to the website Legal Ethics Forum stated that Professor Goodwin Liu has in good faith answered questions from the Senate Judiciary…
—Professor Richard Painter was quoted in The National Law Journal, about the inconsistency of two recent rulings by the U. S. Supreme Court on campaign spending. Painter who writes about judicial campaign…
—Professor Richard Painter is quoted in an Associated Press article on the New York Attorney General's charges against Bank of America and its former CEO for allegedly misleading shareholders about the acquisition…
—Professor Richard Painter's letter to the editor in response to a recent New York Times editorial about lobbyists being upset with the White House ethics counsel because the president has barred…
—Professors Claire Hill and Richard Painter's ideas about making investment bank executives take some form of personal liability for losses are catching the eye of business writers and bloggers. On Dec. 4, 2009,…
—An article by Professors Claire Hill and Richard Painter, "Berle's Vision Beyond Shareholder Interest: Why Investment Bankers Should Have (Some) Personal Liability," forthcoming in the University of Seattle…
—Professor Richard W. Painter was interviewed and quoted in an article in Time Magazine about the Bear Stearns hedge-fund managers who were found not guilty of securities fraud.The article reported that…