Mondale Hall at sunset


Three Class of 2018 Graduates Receive Star of the North Fellowships

Fangzhou Chen, Luke Gagnon, and Eamonn Gallagher, all members of Minnesota Law’s class of 2018, have been named Star of the North Fellows by the state of Minnesota. Each will spend the next year in a salaried position at a state agency that aligns with their educational background and professional interests.

Chen will work in children and family services at the Department of Human Services. Gagnon’s position is in the Department of Human Services’ benefits-recovery section. Gallagher will work in freight and commercial vehicle operations at the Department of Transportation.

Law School News

Q&A with 1L Hugh Fleming, Owner/Operator of a Commercial Fishing Vessel in Bristol Bay, Alaska

Editor’s Note: This is part of a series of Q&As with incoming Minnesota Law students.

Hugh Fleming ’21 purchased a fishing boat two years ago and has spent the last two summers captaining it in Bristol Bay. He recently answered a few questions about his background and what about Minnesota Law reeled him in.

You have an interesting background running a boat crew on Bristol Bay. Could you discuss a little bit about your experience?

Hugh Fleming ’21

Q&A with LL.M. Student Alexandre Le Nepveu, French Law Grad Who Has Set His Sights on an International Business Law Career

Editor’s Note: This is part of a series of Q&As with incoming Minnesota Law students.

Alexandre Le Nepveu ’19, having established his expertise in civil law with a legal education in France, has come to the United States to learn the common law system with an eye toward practicing international business law. He recently answered a few questions about his background and aspirations as he starts the LL.M. program here at Minnesota Law.

Can you describe what made you interested in the LL.M. program?

Alexandre Le Nepveu LL.M. ’19

Q&A with 1L Paul Hallett, Former Senior Legislative Aide to Paul Ryan

Editor’s Note: This is part of a series of Q&As with incoming Minnesota Law students.

Before enrolling in Minnesota Law’s class of 2021, Paul Hallett served as senior legislative assistant to Paul Ryan, the 54th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. He recently answered a few questions about his background and his aspirations as he embarks on his legal education here at Minnesota Law.

U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan and Paul Hallett ’21

Q&A with 1L Camila Pacheco-Fores, Fulbright Scholar, Former Legal Aid Paralegal

Editor’s Note: This is one of a series of Q&As with incoming Minnesota Law students.

Camila Pacheco-Fores comes to Minnesota Law with an already impressive C.V. of hands-on experience in the areas of migrant rights, immigration, and family law. She has completed a Fulbright fellowship in Mexico City and worked as a paralegal for a legal aid organization in Los Angeles.

Camila Pacheco-Fores ’21

Q&A with LL.M. Student Lana Khader: Fulbright Scholar from Palestine

Editor’s Note: This is part of a series of Q&As with incoming Minnesota Law students.

Lana Khader, LL.M. ’19, of Palestine is a Fulbright Foreign Student Program Scholar. She has a degree in law from Birzeit University. She has served as a volunteer for the Sawa organization for women and children protection, has been a trainee lawyer, as well as a teaching and research assistant. She recently answered a few questions about her background and her aspirations as she begins the LL.M. program at Minnesota Law.

Lana Khader LL.M. ’19 (Credit: Lama Amr)

Q&A with 1L Jake Hilt, Former U.S. Army Ranger

Editor’s Note: This is one of a series of Q&As with incoming Minnesota Law students.

Before enrolling in Minnesota Law's class of 2021, Jake Hilt served as a U.S. Army Ranger and was deployed a total of three times. He recently answered a few questions about his background and his aspirations as he embarks on his legal education here at Minnesota Law.

Welcome to the Minnesota Law class of 2021! You have an interesting background as a U.S. Army Ranger. Could you discuss a little bit about your experience?

Jake Hilt ’21