2L Samia Osman Initiates Relief Effort to Aid People of Drought-Stricken Somalia

Rather than spending her winter break recreating or relaxing, 2L Samia Osman decided to do something to help with the humanitarian crisis faced by her drought-stricken homeland of Somalia.
So, amid the rigors of preparing for finals, Osman found herself searching plane ticket prices and organizing a fundraising campaign so that she could return to the country that she once fled as a refugee to bring some measure of relief to its suffering people.

“Every time I came across a crisis, I desperately wanted to do something, but I always convinced myself that it wasn't the right time,” says Osman in explaining her decision to act. “I realized that all of my past fears and insecurities were excuses. I could either listen and come up with yet another excuse, or I could take one step forward and finally do something—anything even if it meant only helping one child. Frankly, I was sick of feeling like a bystander.”

Somali woman with baby

The situation in Somalia is dire and expected to get worse in January as the drought continues. The drought has ravaged 80 percent of the country, which was ill-prepared to handle such a crisis. More than seventy percent of the people live in poverty and 5.5 million are now struggling to find basic necessary like food and water. 

Osman’s relief effort is called “Unity for Humanity.” When she returns to Somalia in a few days, she will work with Humanitarian African Relief Organization (HARO), a non-profit that recently partnered with Unity for Humanity in this effort.

You can visit Unity for Humanity’s GoFundMe page to learn more about the initiative and how you can contribute.

"Anything helps," Osman says.  "The $5 you use to buy coffee can give a family the first real meal they've had in a week. Women and children are the most affected groups. Though there are many worthy causes, many of which I advocate for, this campaign is about keeping people alive at least long enough for help to arrive."