Tribute: Minnesota Law Mourns the Passing of Joy Mankoff

Joy Mankoff passed away on June 1 at age 89. She and her husband, the late Ronald M. Mankoff ’54, were donors to the University of Minnesota Law School that helped create the Ronald M. Mankoff Tax Clinic. She grew up in West Hartford, Connecticut, and met her future husband while on spring break in college. They married in 1959 and settled in Dallas, Texas, where they started a family and Ronald began his career as a tax attorney.

She was very active in the Dallas community taking on many leadership roles in civic groups including the Dallas affiliate of Planned Parenthood, the National Council of Jewish Women, the Women’s Issues Network, and the Dallas Women’s Foundation. She was active on numerous boards including the Boys and Girls Clubs of Dallas, the Dallas Symphony, the Mankoff Center for Jewish Learning at the JCC, and the Joy Schechtman Mankoff Center for Teaching & Learning at Connecticut College. She is survived by two sons and five grandchildren.