Jill Hasday

Jill Hasday

Distinguished McKnight University Professor
Centennial Professor in Law

Prof. Jill Hasday Interviewed by Minnesota Public Radio and KTTC-TV About Implications of the SCOTUS Decision to End Affirmative Action 

Prof. Jill Hasday spoke with Minnesota Public Radio and KTTC-TV about the implications of the U.S. Supreme Court decision to effectively end affirmative action considerations for college and university admissions. 

She told MPR that she predicts universities will accommodate for the change by replacing boxes applicants check indicating their race with essay questions that lean into that discussion.

“The central question is what counts as a race-neutral criteria, which might not be as obvious as you'd think,” Hasday said. “For instance, suppose a school adopts a certain admissions criteria because it thinks that that criteria that's neutral on its face will actually promote racial diversity. Should that be understood as racial neutral or as race based? That's just something that's going to be fought out.”