Professor Monahan Named a Distinguished McKnight University Professor

Amy Monahan, Melvin Steen & Corporate Donors Professor and associate dean for research & planning at the Law School, has been named a Distinguished McKnight University Professor. 

The Distinguished McKnight University Professorship program honors the University's “most distinguished and highest-achieving mid-career faculty who have …. made significant advances in their careers at the University of Minnesota, whose work and reputation are identified with the University, and whose accomplishments have brought great renown and prestige to Minnesota."

Monahan joined the Law School faculty in Fall 2009. She teaches and writes in the areas of federal taxation and employee benefits law. Her scholarship focuses primarily on health and retirement plan regulation, and she has been actively involved in state and national efforts to improve the law in both areas. She has served on the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on the Determination of Essential Health Benefits, the independent committee charged with developing guidelines and principles for the Department of Health & Human Services to use in defining which medical treatments and services health insurance plans must cover as part of Affordable Care Act insurance reforms, and she has also advised various states regarding health care reform and implementation.

Monahan frequently works with stakeholders at both the local and national level regarding the legal issues surrounding public pension plans, including state legislators, the State Budget Crisis Task Force, and the Federal Reserve Bank’s municipal finance team. Her scholarship has been published in numerous journals, including the American Journal of Law & MedicineUCLA Law ReviewColumbia Journal of Tax Law, and University of Illinois Law Review.

Amy B. Monahan

Distinguished McKnight University Professor
The Melvin Steen & Corporate Donors Professor