Heidi Kitrosser

Prof. Kitrosser Quoted by Washington Post and NBC News

Professor Kitrosser was quoted in two national news stories on clashes between President Trump and Congress. In one, a Washington Post article entitled “How the Trump White House Shot Itself in the Foot on Don McGahn,” Kitrosser explained that President Trump cannot “cannot claim ‘backsies’—i.e., un-waive [executive] privilege” after having waived it with respect to testimony by White House Counsel Don McGahn. In the other story—an NBC News article entitled “Trump Goes to War For Power Over Congress”—Kitrosser spoke about a broader range of ongoing controversies, explaining: “Trump is not inventing executive intransigence out of whole cloth. ... At the same time, this is not same-old, same-old. He is taking longstanding pathologies in terms of an increasingly imperial executive branch and ratcheting it up many times over.”