Alexandra Klass

Prof. Klass Presents in Teleforum on Eminent Domain for Oil and Gas Pipelines

Professor Alexandra Klass was one of two presenters at a Federalist Society Teleforum on Eminent Domain for Oil and Gas Pipelines. The description of the teleforum was as follows: "The use of eminent domain to condemn property for pipelines has become an increasingly controversial practice. Critics claim that it undermines private property rights and causes environmental damage. Defenders argue it is essential to enable effective exploitation of the nation's energy resources. In recent months, Georgia and South Carolina have passed new legislation limiting pipeline condemnations, an effort backed by a coalition of conservative property rights advocates and left of center environmentalists. Similar reforms have been proposed in many other states. This forum will examine the growing controversy over pipeline takings." Ilya Somin, Prof. Klass' co-presenter and Professor of Law at George Mason University, wrote a short opinion piece in The Washington Post about the teleforum.